Learn to Find A Grave at Genealogy Society Meeting

If you are unfamiliar with the genealogy process, or you are just starting out and require more assistance, there is free help available.

The Butler County Genealogical Society, held the third Thursday of each month, September to May, will host this month’s meeting on Thursday, Sept 20, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Kansas Oil Museum.  These meetings are free and open to the public.

The September meeting will discuss how to locate ancestors through the new Find A Grave website, as well as many other websites and resources. This first meeting will probably last less than an hour at the museum; then a hands-on activity is planned.

Attendees will carpool to local cemeteries in El Dorado and do some searching together. How to gather information from the headstones and the cemetery will be discussed.

In October, the topic of discussion will center around organizing your records and research. You will learn how to tame your digital and printed paperwork.

November’s topic centers on discovering ways to track your Civil War ancestor.

Mark your calendars and plan on attending the upcoming Butler County Genealogical Society meetings held at the Kansas Oil museum beginning this Thursday, Sept. 20th, and bring a friend.